Friday, November 7, 2008

This week's training focus: Stride and Set-Up

For the next week, I will focus on the stride and set-up. This may be the most important aspect of hitting, in terms of finding a mechanically sound, consistent swing. You'll hear me say in the video clips this week that the majority of problems in the swing are a direct result of flaws in the set-up. This means that any problem in the launch position at foot-strike will be magnified by the time we get to ball-strike.

Be careful of any instructor that standardizes stride length. You'll see why during my video clips in the next week. Plus, I'm very excited to release my study on stride length and the width of a hitter's base at foot-strike. I tested over 100 of the top statistical hitters in Major League Baseball and came up with statistical data that illustrates how far the stride should be in relationship to a hitter's stance and body height, as well as testing how far apart a hitter's feet should be a foot-strike. To my knowledge, it is the first study of it's kind and will probably upset many instructors who standardize stride length without consideration for body height or width of stance. The study will be released early next week so check back soon!

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