Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We're not getting any younger...

One of my instructors, Mark Tomse, was one of my college teammates as well. Mark said he had a video he wanted to show me. We are always talking about hitters, so I assumed it to be some hitting clips. We always joke how we still think we're young enough to play, that was until he showed me a video of our conference championship team from 1998. It's not until you look at pictures or videos of yourself from years back until you've realized how much you've aged. This video brought back some memories of good times. EIU honored our team at halftime of a football game. I'm easy to pick out, as the guy in the football uniform as I was finishing my athletic career as a senior on the Panther gridiron team. That was a fun season in itself. I worked my way into the starting free safety spot and had the opportunity to play against a gangly, young freshman quarterback everyday in practice. Tony Romo would end up doing OK for himself, but it is fun looking back now that he was our scout team quarterback during his freshman year (my senior year).

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